Scilab programming – IF ELSE conditional statements

In this article we are going to learn about:

  • IF ELSE conditional statements in Scilab
  • IF ELSEIF conditional statements in Scilab

How to install Scilab

Before going through this article, it is recommended to have a basic understanding about:

When building complex algorithms for sure we’ll come across conditional statements. By conditional statement we understand the execution of a statement (instruction) only if a condition or a set of conditions is true.

Examples of conditional statements:

  • if a person’s age is below 18 years, it’s forbidden to drive a car
  • if the air temperature is above 30 °C, the weather is very hot

IF ELSE conditional statements

The general structure of an IF ELSE statement in Scilab is:

Scilab programming - IF ELSE syntax

A quite easy example is to define if it’s day or night function of the current hour. Let’s use the 24 hours format. If the current hour is between 7:00 and 19:00 we say it is day. If the current hour is NOT between 7:00 and 19:00 we say it’s not day (it is night).

The best way to practice this example is by using the Scilab script editor, SciNotes, in which we write the following Scilab instructions:

currentHour = 14;

if (currentHour > 7) & (currentHour < 20) then
 outsideIs = 'DAY';
 outsideIs = 'NOT DAY';


The currentHour variable is our control variable. We check its value against the limit values for day. In the condition slot we check if two conditions are TRUE with a “&” (AND) operator. We do this because in order to say if its day we have to check that the current hour is between minimum (7:00) and maximum (20:00) hours.

Next we use the string variable outsideIs which can take two values DAY or NOT DAY depending on the current hour.

For the else statement we do not explicitly have a condition, the else statement is executed if the if condition is FALSE.

If we execute the above script we’ll see displayed in the Scilab console:


This means that when the current hour is 14:00 o’clock, according to our conditions, outside is day. Now we’ll change the value of the currentHour variable to 22 and run the script againg. In the Scilab console we’ll see:


This means that when the time is 22:00 o’clock outside is not day, it is night.

IF ELSEIF conditional statements

If we have more than one condition, we need to use the IF ELSEIF statements.

Scilab programming - IF ELSEIF syntax

For understanding of the IF ELSEIF conditional statements we are going to use as example the definition of the sign function. The sign function outputs 1 if the argument is a positive number, -1 if the argument is negative and 0 if the argument is 0:

\[\begin{equation*} \begin{split} \operatorname{sign}(x):={\begin{cases}-1&{\text{if }}x<0,\\0&{\text{if }}x=0,\\1&{\text{if }}x>0.\end{cases}} \end{split} \end{equation*}\]

Scilab has it’s own built-in sign function called sign().

 ans =
 - 1. 
 ans =
 ans =

In the image below you can see a logical diagram of the IF ELSEIF conditional statement for the sign() function:

Sign function logic diagram

Image: Sign function logic diagram

Example: A normal, average work day starts at 8:00 o’clock and ends around 16:00 o’clock. Depending on the daily activities we can split the work hours as:

Work time detail clock

Image: Work time detail clock

  • 8:00 – 10:00 Project Meetings
  • 10:00 – 12:00 Training
  • 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch Break
  • 12:30 – 16:00 Project Development
  • 16:00 – 8:00 Free Time

Using ELSEIF statements design a script which displays in the Scilab console what activity is performed function on the current hour.

currentHour = 9;
if (currentHour > 8) & (currentHour <= 10) then
 disp("Activity: Project Meetings")
elseif (currentHour > 10) & (currentHour <= 12) then
 disp("Activity: Training")
elseif (currentHour > 12) & (currentHour <= 12.3) then
 disp("Activity: Lunch break")
elseif (currentHour > 12.3) & (currentHour <= 16) then
 disp("Activity: Project Development")
 disp("Activity: Free Time!")

IF ELSE conditional statements are very common in any programming language. Do a couple of exercises to practice the syntax and you’ll be in a good position to use it where necessary.

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